Jet Charter Company

All of Telanet’s customers operate within unique environments. Whether they operate in extreme temperatures, remote locations or high traffic areas or manage multiple levels of security clearance within the same building or have a sworn responsibility to protect the members of their community from harm, organizations with one-of-a-kind needs require a one-of-a-kind integrator to help them operate securely and efficiently.

That’s why they turn to Telanet: we know no matter how slick and sophisticated the security technology is in ideal conditions, it won’t deliver on its promises unless it is specifically designed to suit the unique physical and technical requirements of its environment.

The Telanet team worked with a pioneering Jet Charter Company that delivers aviation services out of a facility that includes three enormous airplane hangers. Within the safety-and-security-obsessed aviation industry, this Jet Charter Company has made a point to achieve the highest ratings possible. The company routinely takes advantage of developments in security technology to maintain their reputation for safe operating standards.

The scale of the project was significant because in addition to being a niche business, the Jet Charter Company also cared about aesthetic and would not accept haphazard placement of surveillance cameras and other endpoints that didn’t match.

Luckily, this was a requirement Telanet had dealt with many times before.

Telanet consulted the Jet Charter Company on solution design first, visiting their site on multiple occasions to perform detailed information gathering. Implementation began with the Telanet team pulling fibre optic cable before installing wireless access points, security cameras and door access control.

This special project is an example of the care and attention the Telanet team gives to understanding each customer’s unique needs.

