Nutrition Supplement Manufacturer

Globally recognized nutrition supplement manufacturer operating for over 40 years and in more than 90 countries relies on a large, complex call centre to maintain trust and service excellence with it’s many millions of customers and distributors.

Due to the sensitive nature of the personal information collected from customers through this call centre, the company places great importance on encryption to keep this information secure. The key challenge the company faced was to ensure security while without  making storage and extraction of call recordings overly difficult for call centre employees.

The supplement manufacturer recognized reliable and responsive technical support for its many sites including those in South America, Europe and Asia would go a long way in helping them achieve the right balance of security and simplicity.

They turned to Telanet.

Technical support from Telanet for their large complex call centre ensures its call recording features functioned smoothly and will continue to do so without interruption. Recently, the Telanet team advised the supplement manufacturer they would need to upgrade their application servers and associated software to renew their maintenance contract and avoid disruptions to service excellence.

The Telanet team worked with its preferred server supplier to ensure the right technical foundation was in place before renewing the maintenance contract. The supplement manufacturer now has full support across all global locations with great confidence in call security and their ability to move and store recordings as needed.

